Decorative Hardware Pieces

Phew we made it through Monday!
Creative handles and knobs in your home give character to spaces you didn’t think possible. Some people either overlook the hardware in their home, or they completely disregard a piece because they don’t like the handles it. In reality, hardware is one of the most simple things to change out and can make such a bold difference.
We have compiled a bunch of our favorite hardware pieces to show to you! Whether it is for your furniture, doors, cabinets, curtain rods, and even coat hangers, we’ve got it here. After reading through these you are surely to gain some inspiration!





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I just LOVE this bedroom and the way all of the colors are tied in together. The cut-rock drawer knobs are incredibly unique and fun also!




Source Unknown



Ok, I have a thing for arrows so you know when I saw these handles I fell in love. Its these kinds of bold and unique pieces you should be looking for.



Changing out knobs and handles is especially great if you are going for that rustic charm look in your home. You can find unique places everywhere and if you’re feeling really daring, you can mismatch the pieces you use for an even more indiviual look. To find the really good ones keep your eyes open in any knickknack store you go in to or any antique store. The really rare ones don’t come from a large commercial chain store.

Next time you want to add more character to a room, you should really look into switching out the hardware for something that is one of a kind!

Where have you been able to find amazing hardware pieces?

Happy Decorating 🙂


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